Eugenio Cuniato received an M.Sc. degree in automation engineering from University of Naples Federico II in 2021. During his studies he focused on linear and nonlinear control of robotic systems, especially manipulators and aerial vehicles.
He is now pursuing a Ph.D. degree at the Autonomous Systems Lab at ETH Zurich. His area of research includes control of aerial manipulators for high-performance aerial physical interaction.
Eugenio's project focuses on full-body control of an interactive aerial robot devoted for physical interaction. The goal is to realize an aerial manipulator capable of safe and stable interaction with potentially unknown environments.
Among the objectives of the project, there are:
development of an accurate model including the dynamics of both the arm and the aerial base;
exploiting the model to obtain high-performance position and interaction control of the aerial manipulator;
high-accuracy estimation of the interaction forces.